Saturday, April 2, 2016

Git Hub configuration All About

Hello Friend, Most of the time when I am working with git hub. I forgot few commands. To help myself I am writing this post, and its my pleasure if this post helps other as well.

Below are commands those are self explanatory:

  1. To clone your branch in local

    $ git clone [your git repository url]
  2. Clone specific branch in local

    $ git clone [your git repository url] -b [branch name]
  3. OR
    $ git clone -b [branch name] [your git repository url]
  4. After cloning your branch go to that branch to check branch status or perform any git operations, below command will show you current branch

    $ git branch
  5. Checkout specific branch from git

    $ git checkout [branch1]
  6. Merge branch2 into branch1

    $ git merge [branch2]
  7. Stash your changes before pull

    $ git stash
  8. Pull latest changes from current branch

    $ git pull
  9. Get stashed changes back into local

    $ git stash apply
  10. Add all your changes

    $ git add -A
  11. Add specific files

    $ git add [/file path] [/another file path] [..etc]
  12. Commit your changes with message

    $ git commit -m "[your message]"
  13. Push your committed changes in the branch

    $ git push origin [branch name]
  14. Pull latest changes

    $ git pull --rebase
  15. Create new branch and checkout in this branch

    $ git checkout -b [your new branch name]
  16. Push the branch on git hub

    $ git push origin [your new branch name]